Monday 7 October 2013

The laser measuring instrument introduced

Kick American centered Company that is currently working on smart phone programs, have started a new venture on high-precision calculating system that expands the features of a smart phone known as ‘Spike’.

Spike is a laser system centered rangefinder that has a few interesting features by using the digicam, you can find out the size and exact place of an structural item and determine it’s volume to create its further applied 3D-model.

The system is connected to the back of the smart phone and the Wireless joins with the digicam, and a special added application on the basis of an increased truth interface that allows you to work with structural things.With the help of this smart phone app, customers will now experience laser system accurate elevated truth and also actions & models the outside globe, the fast globe it is easier to access the immersive laser system centered smart phone programs in the present modern globe of technology.

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